Friday, October 10, 2008

South Llano State Park

I did something for the first time yesterday; I unrolled my awning. There was never a need before as either I was at WalMart, where you can't set up, or I had a shelter that I could sit in to escape the sun. Now the test will be to get it rolled back up again and secured so that it doesn't roll down while I'm driving. Since I will be here for a week, it is nice to have the shade. It also helps to keep the MH cool.

Tonight is a class on owls, so I think I will take that in. The poster says to bring a flashlight so you can find your way back. I will use my flashlight to check for snakes on the way back. The ranger station has a huge, stuffed rattlesnake on display, so I take that as a warning!

The nights are cool here, around 40F, but the days are hot. It is nice for sleeping. I attempted to take a long walk during the heat of the day, but had to turn around and wait until just before sunset. It is strange here; there is no twilight. At 6 pm it gets dark, immediately. Also, the constellations are in the wrong place.

This evening the park will fill up as there is a wild turkey watch planned and also Monday is Columbus day, which makes for a long weekend. It is fortunate I came when I did as people were reserving sites for the weekend.

The shower was just the right temperature. I usually like to use my own shower and just dump if I have to, but with the kaddie I would have to bother the host to back me into my site again, so am using the public facilities as much as possible.

Not much new and there won't be until I am on the move again on Wednesday. I will miss having Thanksgiving with my family. The library will be closed for the long weekend, so I'll have no internet connection. So......HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL! and have some stuffing for me (my favorite part of the meal), and an extra piece of pumpkin pie. There are wild turkeys all around me, but they won't fit in my oven!


Brenda said...

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Anna. I hope you have a wonderful day. My friends and I will have a special toast to you here.

Cactus Jack said...

A very HAPPY THANKS GIVING TO YOU Anna.We , sure will be thinking of you on that day and I will have that extra piece of pumpkin pie.The best from all my family and friends JACK

Melanie said...

Happy Thanksgiving Anna! I guess those turkeys are safe for now. :) Are you able to vote on Tuesday? I'm pretty excited about this election.

Aaron said...

We went to Desiree's for Thanksgiving. Delicious turkey and stuffing of course! Your thanksgiving is coming up!

Carolina said...

Hi Anna,
I am reading your blog and all the comments. Too bad that your American Thanksgiving dinner at the Coral Reef ran out of your favorite food (stuffing)Hopefully at Christmas dinner yesterday, you got your fill of stuffing. I know that I certainly felt stuffed at ours!!