Sunday, October 19, 2008

Choke Canyon SP

I am at Choke Canyon State Park (Calliham), 11 miles from Three Rivers. I will be here for three days. This park is on a lake. Once again, no pull-throughs, so I just asked the first gentleman who walked by and he backed my unit up for me. I give these guys lots of praise and they say if I need anything else,just ask. The foliage just gets lusher with palm trees added. There are butterflies everywhere; of all colours. Since being in Texas the crickets and cicadas are extremely loud at night. They seem to stop their song just before dawn and the quiet wakes me.

As you can see I have a bigger hat to ward off the sun. I drove into town shortly after arriving and made it back just before sunset. I haven't driven at night since leaving home. I have presbyopia (old eye). There are so many deer and elk on the road, plus smaller animals like raccoon and armadillo. There is an abundance of roadkill. The stores cater to hunters and even the grocery stores sell hunting supplies.

The towns around here are small and groceries are expensive compared to the larger centres. I hardly ever eat in restaurants, I prefer to buy and prepare for myself. I don't do much cooking, just eat raw food. I get tired of restaurant food really fast.
The hwy I took to get out of Kerrville was very narrow, with lots of twists and hairpin turns. There were a lot of motorcycles on the road and I had to keep pulling over to let them pass. There were double solid lines for about 20 miles. I was sure glad to get off that hwy.
Finding an internet signal is difficult and I am at a lodge about 5 miles from camp. This campsite is rather far from any town...11 miles either way and not much in town either. It is farther than I like to be.

1 comment:

Cactus Jack said...

Hi yuall, all ya need is agud pare boots in and mube sum spurs. Niver the less, YUALLlook great!!