Sunday, September 28, 2008

Roswell, NM

This is what an alien looks like for those of you who don't know. I toured the UFO museum which consisted mostly of newspaper clippings hung on the wall.
There are alien images everywhere in this city of 50,000. There is also a huge military school here.
Yesterday was the chili/cheese festival so I took that in. I am parked at WalMart and don't know how long they will allow me to stay so am considering going on to Carlsbad today. It is 79 miles from here. It has been very hot, but thank goodness the evenings and nights are cool.
Yesterday I got my hair trimmed in Santa Rosa. I was suffering from a sinus infection. The hairdresser sold Aloe Vera products and other concoctions. She sold me some Garlic/Thyme, bee propolis and a health drink. It worked well...the swelling went down and I feel normal again.
I am sitting in my car outside a coffee shop using my computer. I drove around trying to get a signal and this is the first I found.
They have a state campground here, but it is quite a ways out of town. I drove there to see what it is like and decided to stay in town instead. It seemed to cater to the very, very old and conservative and the gates closed at 5 pm. I hate that. Also, it was in a canyon and extremely hot. The road leading there was very narrow and twisty. It was one of those super organized spots with camp hosts and a zillion rules. It was pretty there though, with red cliffs and caves.
Before I begin to boil in my car I better sign off.

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