Here I am at Artesia, so named because of the huge underground water supply, which is pumped to the surface via artesian wells. It is a pretty little city of over 10,000 inhabitants. The roses are still in bloom and there are various types of huge cacti and succulents. The grass hoppers are huge!
I am parked at the Super Wal*Mart and until just recently, I was the only RV here. I prefer the campgrounds as I meet so many nice people there, but it costs (and I'm El Cheapo).
Tomorrow I will leave for Carlsbad after sending off some postcards (to Caitlan and Jim, who have no computer) and adding to my blog. I'm not sure where to camponce I get there. The Tour Book says there is a National Park by the caverns, but no camping. Jim said he camped there, so I guess I will take my chances and see. There is a State Park, 12 miles north of Carlsbad, but the caverns are 2o miles south of Carlsbad, so that would be a lot of driving. I can't go much longer without dumping, I know that for sure. Perhaps one night at the State campground and do my maintenance and then move south the next day.
Today I had my propane topped up and it was expensive. Over $30 for 10 gallons. Tomorrow I will go through the car wash as my rig is pretty bad with dead flies. When I pull over to check the straps on my car tires I must remember to roll up my windows, or the MH is instantly full of flies. Speaking of car straps, if I am on a bumpy road,they come loose in no time at all. Thank goodness I also have chains.
Today I drove around Artesia to find the post office, the car wash, and the exit. My little Echo is great for running about finding things. I've only had to fill the Echo once since leaving Canada.
I generally hit the sack fairly early and read in bed for a bit. I find the heat really zaps my energy. Fortunately the desert nights are cool making sleep possible. I get up fairly early as well and that gives me time to have my coffee and shower before preparing for take-off.
I generally don't eat until about 2 pm. If I'm travelling I just stop at a Rest Area, hop in the back and eat. Food is my cheapest expense as US prices on most items are far cheaper than Alberta prices. WalMart here is incredibly cheap. Today I treated myself to a bottle of white wine from WalMart....$2.97 for 750 ml and it is really good. I'll sleep well tonight! If the city was any bigger than this they would have two WalMarts, both open 24 hr. This one is almost at the edge of the city and they bus the workers in ,in a big white school bus.
Time to say Buenas Noches.
Food is sooo much cheaper there, if you really want to see the difference, check out the price of a block of cheese.
I know Des, cheese is 1/2 price of AB cheese. Bottled water is usually 3 or 4 for $1. Some of their dollar stores even sell clothes.
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