Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hi Everyone,

The days just seem to be getting busier and busier. We went one evening to Laguna Vista to take a line dancing class from a Texan by the name of Lynn. He is a competitive line dancer and is very particular on how we do our steps. So we had danced for 1 and a half hours in the morning and another 2 hours in the evening.

Yesterday my neighbour, Carol, woke me up to do breakfast with her at a little restaurant on the bay. I had 2 eggs, 4 strips of bacon, two slices toast and coffee for $3.25. Then we went to the Mercado, an open air market here on the island. We stopped to watch the belly dancer for a bit. From there we went to Bommerang Billy's to watch an entertainer named Leslie. This pub is right next to the sea and is open air. A nice setting. She sang mostly songs from the '60's and could really belt it out. In the evening my neighbour, Donna and I went to Pelican West to hear the band there. I was pooped by 11 pm.

Much of the entertainment is in the early afternoon, so we can usually be in bed by 9 or 10 pm.
They have a law here, an actual law on the books, that men's ties are not allowed on Padre Island. If a man refuses to take off his tie you are allowed to take a pair of scissors and cut his tie off.The convention centre has a sign on the outside of the bldg. saying "No ties out".

The temps have been in the high 80's all week, but today the wind is from the north so it is cooler. They have been spraying for mosquitoes here. I hate to think of them spraying a pesticide, but the mosquitoes have been incredibly bad. My legs are all bitten...they were just descending in a cloud whenever outside. I did use a repellent, but any little bit of skin that was missed was eaten up.


Brenda said...

Love that part about the ties. When they decide to ban bras too I will be packing my bags and buying my plane ticket!

Cactus Jack said...

I agree with Brenda all ~chokers~I don'tcare if they are uplifting or not should be band

Anna said...

I'm with you two.