Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year

Happy New Year to You All,
Yesterday most of our park went to Progreso, to a place called Arriba's for lunch, drinks and dancing. Each time I go to Mexico I am amazed with the talents and creativity of the Mexican people. I watched a young man make me a bracelet with my name on it. He worked so quickly you can hardly see his fingers move and in less than five minutes he had made the bracelet complete with hearts. I also like to watch the painters who spray bottles or canvass with spray paint and using a small piece of cardboard do incredible paintings. The handwork is just beautiful.
And then there are the musicians, who sing in English, but don't speak English at all.
Tonight, being Tues. is once again potluck, but I decided to skip it this week. The lady across from me says that this isn't an RV park, it is a fat farm. And she is right. I have over-indulged myself at the two potlucks I took in, so decided to stay away from them. There seems to be many occasions to get together with food.
Tomorrow, being New Year's Eve we will be getting together for finger foods, having a band, and indulging in drinks and dancing. We are supposed to dance in the streets of our park, but apparently the forecast is for rain tomorrow, so we may end up inside the rec centre.
I hope you all have a SAFE and happy New Year.


Brenda said...

Glad to hear that you are going to be bringing the New Year in in style. Have a great time!

Cactus Jack said...

And have a Corona for me(no lime please),Ah what th heck have two one with and one with out

Carolina said...

What a pretty New Year card! Feliz Ano Nuevo back atcha!