Wednesday, December 10, 2008

San Juan, Tx

Yesterday I went to the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan which is a national shrine. I also wanted to see the Cezar Chevez Memorial, but couldn't find it and nobody seemed to know where it was.

Last evening I went to the dance. I asked the couple I was with if there was a singles club here and they said every dance had a couple of tables of singles. Sure enough I found a table with a sign saying singles so I sat there and danced all night. I'm really not a fan of singles clubs. I'll tell you why. I danced a couple of dances with a fellow from Maine called Ted. He then says that he has every afternoon free and would like to spend them with me. I told him, "I don't think so". Shortly after he has his hand on my knee and I had to brush him off, and ignore him for the remainder of the evening. I also danced with a farmer from Ontario named Keith. He kept saying, "drag your feet" and "I can feel it when you take your feet off the floor". And I'm thinking it is almost 2009, when do we women get to lead. But, all in all, it was fun as I love to dance and am going to the biggest single dance tonight.

Friends Brenda and I made at Falcon State Park (Marilynn and Butch), dropped by my site yesterday and invited me to jam at their park on Friday afternoon, so I plan to go see what that is all about. I will take my guitar, but don't know if I'm brave enough to play.

A cold front has moved in and it is cold this morning. It is 42F. Dropped 40 degrees since yesterday! At 11 am I am going to a museum with the neighbours. I will dress warm.


Brenda said...

Hi Anna,
Been watching the news here and seeing snow in Texas. Yikes! It is supposed to snow here tomorrow. Please say hi to our friends from Falcon from me. And YES, you must sing at the jam. You have a great voice and play very well. Wish i could be there to hum or something.
Have fun at the singles dance.

Anna said...

Hi Brenda,
Have a sore throat and strained it yesterday trying to sing in our own little jam, so can't jam today.
But will make an appearance and say hi to Butch and Marilyn from you.