Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Yesterday Brenda and I joined others in our rec centre for line-dancing classes. Yes, there are men there as well, you just can't see them in the photo. Line-dancing looks deceptively easy to do, but in fact, is quite difficult to master.

The line-dancers

We learned three different dances yesterday.  Some of us had some line-dancing experience and some had never tried before.  I found the last time that the best thing was to do, do, do, until you got it right.  Also, try to get into the music and the steps will follow.  

When we go to dances around here the line-dancers have this sour look on their faces.  That is because they are counting in their heads.  On-lookers have mentioned that they wouldn't want to line- dance because line-dancers don't look like they are having any fun.  In time the steps should become somewhat automatic.  My friend, Donna, knows over 300 different line dances.  She says she is now up to the 64 count dances and has difficulty falling asleep at night because she is counting the steps in her head.  She is wondering if that is too much.  When it ceases to be fun, then it is too much I think.  

In praise of line-dancing, it gives the women a chance to get up and dance when their partners can't or  won't.  I have also met some men line-dancers who took it up because their wives can't or won't dance.  Also, some of the steps can be used for couples dancing.  Yesterday we learned the waltz....to be used for singles or couples.  

Whether we do well or poorly in the dance class, it is good exercise and good for the brain. So get out there and try something new....even line-dancing!

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