Monday, March 31, 2014


Yesterday my sister's granddaughter, Francesca, and her uncle and I went for an after dinner walk.  The wildflowers have been blooming for awhile now.  I picked a small bouquet for the house.  My sister said they were just weeds but I think they are beautiful anyway.  We passed one property where the wisteria are in bloom.  They smell wonderful.

The wisteria climbed up the power pole.  We saw one in town that was trained into a small tree.  On our walk we passed a property that had quite a long fence just covered with wisteria. Beautiful!

Wild Orchid

I don't know the name of this flower, but it was very interesting.  The purple part of the flower is one with the green part and looks like it was painted on.  I took this photo last week and yesterday I noticed a new development....a small, round bud-like thing coming from the centre of each little flower.  I'll keep an eye on it as I am curious as to the end result.


This butterfly was on the deck, and yes, the deck is marble as are all the floors in the house.  They must be deliciously cool in the summer as on cool evenings they are like standing on ice when barefoot. 

I have shown you just a few of the wildflowers. . .there are many more!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More flowers please... In my neck of the woods (Tallahassee,Florida) Wisteria is considered an invasive species. It's beautiful but it chokes out everything else.