Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quebec City

Hi Everyone,

If you want to get really, really lost, go to Quebec City. I did a self tour of the old historic district. After awhile, I couldn't find my way back to where I had parked. I stopped and asked several people and showed them the map and where I was parked, but the streets run at an angle to the main street and the buildings all start to look the same.

However, it is a beautiful city. It is of course, very, very old. People have compared it to Europe and I can see the comparison.

It is still chilly here and has been raining all day without a break. I dressed warm as I found I was cold yesterday. We had some sleet last evening, but my propane is full and I was toasty warm. Tomorrow I will be heading west.

It is difficult to find your way in Quebec as all the signs are in French only. I have "cereal-box French" and can decipher some signs, but certainly not all of them. It can be rather dangerous on the highway when there is a warning sign and I don't have a clue what it says!


Brenda said...

I have always wanted to travel to Quebec. Please take lots of pictures.

Brenda said...

So where in the world are you girl? Waiting for a blog update here.....