Monday, November 18, 2013


The insects here are very big. The other morning I spotted this spider on the stairs.

I guess he was dead as the ants were carrying him away.  I went online and could not find a spider like this one, except for a baby tarantula. I asked a local and that is what  he thought it was.  Apparently they are not aggressive, unless cornered.

There is a big black bee-like insect that hovers around my patio.  If he gets too close I go indoors until he is gone.  He is about an inch long.

The most hated insects are the no-see-ums. Most everyone has red bumps on their legs and they itch like crazy.

The days are getting hotter.  Yesterday I walked to the lake and had to have a nap after due to the heat.  It is summer here.  Guess that is why the kids have no school.

Little boys 12 and under sell cards on the streets.  They are hand embroidered and they say their mother made them.  They are out about 12 hrs. a day.  Sometimes they ask me for money, but I buy them a glass of juice instead or share my lunch with them.  It is hard sometimes to ignore them, but you cannot support the world.

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