Sunday, November 23, 2014


Yesterday afternoon while we were visiting friends in the country there was an incident in Pana. We received various reports by phone and today it was in the paper.  Apparently two men in a half ton kidnapped two children. They then sped through the street by the market and hit seven people.  The locals apprehended the men, over turned their truck and lit it on fire.  The police arrived in full gear and got the two men.  The locals pelted the police.  Our landlord said that the locals know these men will be out of jail quickly and do it again, so they prefer to handle these things on their own.  Anyway, the police used tear gas to quell the mobs.

By the time we arrived home it was over with.  In case it was on the news there know that I am fine.  It is very rare for this to happen here.

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