Brenda and I were going to go to Mexico today, but Brenda was tired so we decided to have a lazy day here in Donna.
The above photos were taken yesterday. As you can see we are not suffering from the cold. We were on our way to the hall for pot luck supper. It was delicious! I was careful not to overeat - a tendency I have at pot luck suppers. Brenda made a Greek Salad and it went over well.
Rec Centre at Dolphin RV Park |
Yesterday my neighbour patched my bike tire so today I rode about the park for about a half hour. Then we decided to go out and find postcards. That is a taller order than you would think. We went to three stores and only one sold postcards and then they only had a choice of 4 cards. Tomorrow in Mexico I will try to find some. I know that on my last visit to this part of the world I found postcards in Mexico. Also, I promised my Caitlan that I would send her some American money for Christmas, so that is on the way. It seems weird to hear Christmas music when all is green and it is so hot.
I thought I would take some photos of some of the flowers in the park. I know some of my readers like flora.

The bark on the palm trees looks like cement, but is soft and smooth. I don't know the names of the above flowers. At the end of the lane here there is an orange tree laden heavy with oranges. It is on the Dolphin property. I wonder if anyone would care if I snitched one? It is getting really warm here in the motorhome, so best wrap this up and go out in the breeze. Until tomorrow..........
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