Monday, August 18, 2008


My last day of work was the 15th of August and this week end I rented my home out. I have two weeks to get my ducks in a row and then it is departure time. I was able to find a Kar Kaddie on the internet and tried it out with my little Echo. It seemed to work fine, but there are a load of chains and hooks to remember to engage.

People ask me where I am going and all I really know at this point is - south. I plan to take my time in reaching the US border as I would like to learn the fine points of traveling before that point. My goal is to be in New Mexico for the winter.

My solar panels are on my motorhome , and my passport renewal came in today, so I am ready to roll.


Desiree said...

cool...and are you taking a laptop computer?

Anna said...

Hi Des,
Yes, taking a wireless laptop.

Brenda said...

You are an inspiration to all of us women who are seeking ways to live life to the fullest. You go girl!
Love from you friend

Ed said...

Hi Anna, It looks like your almost ready to hit the road. I wish you could come to the Island for a visit on your way out to wherever you are heading to. I will miss our visits when I am in Alberta on business. Hope things go perfect for you. Love Ed and Rose.